using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Windows; using System.Windows.Controls; using System.Windows.Data; using System.Windows.Documents; using System.Windows.Input; using System.Windows.Media; using System.Windows.Media.Imaging; using System.Windows.Navigation; using System.Windows.Shapes; namespace LensSimulatorWPF { /// /// Interaction logic for MainWindow.xaml /// public partial class MainWindow : Window { private Point _lastDragPoint; private Matrix _currentMatrix = Matrix.Identity; private const double ScaleRate = 1.1; private const double MinScale = 0.5; private const double MaxScale = 10.0; private Point lastZoomPos = new Point(0, 0); public MainWindow() { InitializeComponent(); DrawGrid(); this.MouseWheel += MainWindow_MouseWheel; this.MouseLeftButtonDown += MainWindow_MouseLeftButtonDown; this.MouseLeftButtonUp += MainWindow_MouseLeftButtonUp; this.MouseMove += MainWindow_MouseMove; } private void MainWindow_MouseWheel(object sender, MouseWheelEventArgs e) { var scale = e.Delta > 0 ? ScaleRate : 1 / ScaleRate; // Clamp the scale in between the min and max scale if (_currentMatrix.M11 * scale < MinScale || _currentMatrix.M11 * scale > MaxScale) { return; } // Get the mouse position in screen space (relative to canvas) var screenMousePos = e.GetPosition(canvas); // Convert the screen mouse position to the canvas space var matrix = _currentMatrix; matrix.Invert(); var targetPointInCanvas = matrix.Transform(screenMousePos); lastZoomPos = targetPointInCanvas; // Perform the scale operation at the target point _currentMatrix.ScaleAtPrepend(scale, scale, canvas.ActualWidth/2, canvas.ActualHeight/ 2); // Apply the transformation to the canvas canvas.RenderTransform = new MatrixTransform(_currentMatrix); DrawGrid(); } private void DrawGrid() { canvas.Children.Clear(); double step = 50; // The M11 component of the matrix represents the scale in X double width = canvas.ActualWidth; double height = canvas.ActualHeight; for (double i = step; i < width; i += step) { canvas.Children.Add(new Line { Stroke = Brushes.LightGray, X1 = i, Y1 = 0, X2 = i, Y2 = height }); } for (double i = step; i < height; i += step) { canvas.Children.Add(new Line { Stroke = Brushes.LightGray, X1 = 0, Y1 = i, X2 = width, Y2 = i }); } var ellipse = new Ellipse { Fill = Brushes.Red, Width = 10, Height = 10 }; Canvas.SetLeft(ellipse, lastZoomPos.X - ellipse.Width / 2); Canvas.SetTop(ellipse, lastZoomPos.Y - ellipse.Height / 2); canvas.Children.Add(ellipse); } private void MainWindow_MouseLeftButtonDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) { var mousePos = e.GetPosition(this); _lastDragPoint = new Point(mousePos.X - _currentMatrix.OffsetX, mousePos.Y - _currentMatrix.OffsetY); Mouse.Capture(this); } private void MainWindow_MouseLeftButtonUp(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) { Mouse.Capture(null); } private void MainWindow_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { if (e.LeftButton == MouseButtonState.Pressed) { var posNow = e.GetPosition(this); var deltaX = posNow.X - _lastDragPoint.X - _currentMatrix.OffsetX; var deltaY = posNow.Y - _lastDragPoint.Y - _currentMatrix.OffsetY; _currentMatrix.Translate(deltaX, deltaY); canvas.RenderTransform = new MatrixTransform(_currentMatrix); _lastDragPoint = new Point(posNow.X - _currentMatrix.OffsetX, posNow.Y - _currentMatrix.OffsetY); } } } }